Conditions for Efficiency Improvement by Tree Transducer Composition

Author: J. Voigtländer
Published: In 13th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA'02, acceptance rate 20/40), Copenhagen, Denmark, Proceedings, volume 2378 of LNCS, pages 222-236, Springer, July 2002.
DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45610-4_16
BibTeX: Voi02a.bib
Abstract: We study the question of efficiency improvement or deterioration for a semantic-preserving program transformation technique based on macro tree transducer composition. By annotating functional programs to reflect the internal property "computation time" explicitly in the computed output, and by manipulating such annotations, we formally prove syntactic conditions under which the composed program is guaranteed to be more efficient than the original program, with respect to call-by-need reduction to normal form. The developed criteria can be checked automatically, and thus are suitable for integration into an optimizing functional compiler.
Download: ConditionsForEfficiencyImprovementByTreeTransducerComposition.pdf
Rights: Copyright held by Springer.
Slides: Slides of my talk at the conference are here.